Tea Tree
Pre-existing design :
The project focuses on an existing two-storey terrace house with heritage constraints.
Brief :
Design and document a new interior design over the existing two levels (ground floor and first floor), as well as create and incorporate a design for a new basement and attic.
Prepare and deliver a partial set of documentation drawings for ‘Tender Issue’ with completed annotations and dimensions. The drawings will also clearly note that they are ‘Not For Construction’. Drawings are to be A0 page size (landscape format).
Drawing must include :
1. Cover Sheet / Drawing List / Location Plan NTS
2. Existing Floor Plans / Demolition Plans 1:50
3. Proposed Basement Floor Plan / RCP / Furniture Plan 1:50
4. Proposed Ground Floor Plan / RCP / Furniture Plan 1:50
5. Proposed First Floor Plan / RCP / Furniture Plan 1:50
6. Proposed Attic Floor Plan / RCP / Furniture Plan 1:50
7. Sectionx1 (Section cut to include staircase) 1:20
8. Kitchen Details (Plan / Elevations / Section) 1:20
9. Ensuite Details (Plan / Elevations / Section) 1:20
10. Staircase Details (Plan / Elevations / Section) 1:20
11. Attic Skylight Details 1:5
Re-design terrace house
4 storey
Interior design
Paddington House
166, Paddington Street, Paddington. NSW. Australia

Staircase render